Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 160 – The Second Yes Music Podcast Quiz!

The Second YMP Quiz!

The one hundred and sixtieth episode of the Yes Music Podcast featuring the Second Yes Music Podcast Quiz!

  • How many Yes Alphabet questions can you answer?
  • How much do you know about Yes album covers?

Listen to the episode and then submit your answers! Last time, Joost Maglev won the quiz – this time it could be you!


  1. Which letter I is the Young Rascals tune, which was given the Yes cover treatment in 1971 but only released in The Word Is Live boxed set many years later.
  2. Which letter G do I describe as “not an easy listen by any means but the order out of chaos which happens towards the end is masterfully handled with the acoustic guitar solo passage leading to a hauntingly beautiful melody.”
  3. Which D did I sum up like this: “A great artist and I think the gracious and generous way he accepted his departure of the band will always speak volumes about his integrity and how much he personally got out of the experience.”
  4. Who was Ken Brodie referring to in the letter Q episode when he said this – “”given those aborted sessions it makes him an interesting choice.  If memory serves, I don’t think some of the members had kind words for him in the years following the sessions.  It always seems, though, the members of the band are good at fence-mending.”
  5. Which Letter S track did I describe like this – “The tender beauty of this song always sends shivers down my spine. For a real Squire treat listen to his quiet but perfectly-formed line as it climbs around the highest reaches of the instrument and then cascades down for the chorus. Kaye adds some engaging keyboards and it’s an immersive trip encompassing the best of the flower power era as well as the developing Yes aesthetic. A lovely song.”
  6. Which letter E track am I talking about when I say “This track only contains one official Yes man alongside arguably the only other bass player most Yes fans would be happy to have in the band if Chris Squire were ever to leave.”
  7. Which Letter P is this? “The band take the opportunity to emphasise the title by moving to a couple of different triple time feels, settling on an almost waltz beat after the more complex opening patterns. The lyrics talk about inside out and outside in, beautifully reinforcing the topsy-turvy arrangement.”
  8. What letter B prompted me to ponder like this? “Maybe we can see the beginnings of the split between band members who wanted to go separate ways – those pushing for more rock-orientated, heavy songs and those attempting to pull things back in a more progressive direction (if that’s not a contradiction in terms).”
  9. The work of which letter M prompted me to say this? “His use of psychedelic colour palettes and shapes might make him a good fit for the band – at least in its late 60s origins but the cover of this album with its minimalist plain white background doesn’t really convey that feeling at all.”
  10. And finally, Which letter J did I point out had appeared twice in different band’s visual work but not played a note on any of their musical output?
  11. Which Yes album cover features icebergs and black and white creatures?
  12. Which Yes album cover was changed for US release due to the imagery used on the original?
  13. Which album cover was the first to feature the Roger Dean bubble logo?
  14. Name 1 album cover which features both the bubble Yes logo and the square, Japanese inspired one.
  15. Which album cover was originally intended to be reversible and so has the name of the album on both the back and the front?
  16. Most Yes album covers consist of paintings or other graphic elements but name one which also features at least one photograph.
  17. Which Roger Dean cover includes a real landmark from planet earth?
  18. Which album cover features a digitized world map?
  19. Which original album cover includes black and white photographic elements?
  20. Which album cover did Roger Dean say was supposed to look like leather?


Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 157 – The Yes Alphabet – ‘T’

The letter, 'T'.
…brought to you by the letter, ‘T’.

The one hundred and fifty seventh episode of the Yes Music Podcast featuring some interesting concepts, tracks and albums beginning withe the letter. ‘T’.

  • What are those bizarre live ‘T’ tracks?
  • How many studio albums have ‘T’ tracks?
  • Are there any Yes personnel beginning with ‘T’?

Listen to the episode and then let me know what I’ve missed out.

Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 149 – The Yes Alphabet – ‘S’

...brought to you by the letter, 'S'.
…brought to you by the letter, ‘S’.

The one hundred and forty-ninth episode of the Yes Music Podcast, featuring various concepts, characters and tracks beginning with the letter, ‘S’.

  • Which letter ‘S’ has been connected with the band for over 23 years but is not a current member?
  • Which tracks begin with, ‘S’?
  • Which letter ‘S’ tracks are sublime and which are silly?

Listen to the episode and then let me know what I’ve missed via any of the methods below.

Please record a voicemail saying, “This is [insert name] from [insert location] and you’re listening to the Yes Music Podcast” in your own language and accent.

I’ll play all the ones I receive on the 150th episode! Many thanks.

Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 124 – The Yes Alphabet – ‘R’

…brought to you by the letter, ‘R’.

The one hundred and twenty fourth episode of the Yes Music Podcast, featuring an exploration of some concepts and music beginning with ‘R’.

  • What albums and tracks begin with ‘R’?
  • What concepts relating to Yes begin with ‘R’?
  • Which ‘R’ rescued the band in the 1980s? (Arguably…)

Listen and see if youspot any letter ‘R’s I have left out, then let me know by contacting me via any of the methods below.

Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 119 – The Yes Alphabet – ‘Q’

…brought to you by the letter, ‘Q’.

The one hundred and nineteenth episode of the Yes Music Podcast, featuring some interesting facts and concepts beginning with the letter, ‘Q’.

  • Are there any Yes songs beginning with ‘Q’?
  • What links does Yes have with Queen?
  • How might the legacy of Queen directly affect the new Yes album?

Listen and see if you spot any ‘Q’ concepts or tracks I have missed, then let me know by contacting me via any of the methods below.

Please get involved with the YMP e-book – for a copy of the guidelines, please see the full blog post on the front page of the website.