
Yes Tour Time Machine – 627

Produced by Joseph Cottrell, Jeffrey Crecelius and Ken Fuller

This week, Mark and I climbed aboard our state of the art time machine to visit the past of the world’s greatest progressive rock band. We each chose 3 Yes tours we would love to be able to visit and gave each other clues to guess which ones we were thinking of. You’ll get the idea I’m sure.

Do play along yourself and see if you can guess the tours in question before Mark or I do – you probably will. Then, why not add your own to the show notes for this week – set a few clues and then see if anyone can guess in the comments. We had a lot of fun with this activity so join us to test your own knowledge. Set phasers to fun, as they say.

  • Where will our time machine take us?
  • Can you guess from our cryptic clues?
  • Do we show off our Yes knowledge or our Yes ignorance?

Let us know if you agree with us!

There are only 100 of these packs available, so buy yours now! (Opens in a new window)

Check out the progress on my other podcast –

Yes – The Tormato Story

Available now!

In Production:

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YMP Patrons:


  • Joseph Cottrell
  • Ken Fuller
  • Jeffrey Crecelius


Jim Morrison Jon Pickles Declan Logue
Gary Betts Aaron SteelmanMichael Handerhan
Barry Gorsky Steve Perry Doug Curran
Martin Kjellberg Todd Dudley Rachel Hadaway
Lind  Paul Hailes Craig Estenes
Mark James Lang Steve Rode David
Bob Martilotta John Holden Stephen Lambe
Dem Fred Barringer Scott Colombo
Chris Bandini David Heyden John Thomson
Mark Baggs John Cowan John Parry
Dave Owen Simon Barrow Steve Scott
Terence Sadler Steve Dill Robert Nasir 
Fergus Cubbage William Hayes Geoff Bailie
Steven Roehr Lobate Scarp Geoffrey Mason
David Watkinson Tim Stannard Robert Vandiver
Brian Sullivan David Pannell Jamie McQuinn
Miguel Falcão Paul Tomei Michael O’Connor
Brian HarrisHogne Bø PettersenGuy DeRome
Become a Patron!

Our Facebook YMP Discussion Group is open to anyone to join. One of the advantages of the new format is that all members of the group have the same ability to post content, so it’s a bit more egalitarian, or somesuch. Please do search for the group and join in.

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Theme music

The music I use is the last movement of Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite. This has been used as introduction music at many Yes concerts. My theme music is not take from a live concert – I put it together from:

Episodes YMP Classic Feed

8 years of the YMP – 400

Just some of the prizes up for grabs!
Just some of the prizes up for grabs!

Produced by Jeffrey Crecelius, Wayne Hall, Preston Frazier and Bill Govier

Well, here we are at episode 400 and as a result we are going to break the structure of the episode for one week only because we have 2 major pieces of content for you – an interview with a certain musician you will certainly recognise (OK, it’s our own, Billy Sherwood!) and then our epic 400th episode quiz to win a ridiculous number of Yes and Yes related items.

Billy Sherwood
Billy Sherwood joins us this week! Photo by William Mulryne
Billy Sherwood - Citizen - In The Next Life
Billy talks about his new album – and about Yes!

Listen and let us know what you think!

  • Who will win the prizes?
  • How did Billy approach his new album?
  • Was playing on the Talk tour just like the Royal Affair Tour?

If you would like to support the Yes Music Podcast financially and also have access to exclusive activity and opportunities, there is a special page you can use to sign up and 2019 is the time to join us:
Become a Patron!

Show notes and links:

The three CDs kindly donated by Dave Watkinson!

YMP Patrons:


  • Jeffrey Crecelius
  • Preston Frazier
  • Bill Govier and
  • Wayne Hall


Aaron Steelman
Dave Owen
Mark James Lang
Paul Tomei
Joost Maglev
David Heyden
Martin Kjellberg
Paul Wilson
Bob Martilotta
Michael O’Connor
Peter Hearnden
Brian Sullivan
David Pannell
Miguel Falcão
Lobate Scarp
Chris Bandini
David Watkinson
Neal Kaforey
Rachel Hadaway
Craig Estenes
Paul Hailes
Mark ‘Zarkol’ Baggs
Doug Curran
Robert Nasir
Fergus Cubbage
Scott Colombo
Fred Barringer
Scott Smith
Geoff Bailie
Simon Barrow
Geoffrey Mason
Stephen Lambe
Guy R DeRome
Steve Dill
Henrik Antonsson
Steve Perry
Hogne Bø Pettersen
Steve Rode
Steve Scott
Jamie McQuinn
Steven Roehr
Ken Fuller
Terence Sadler
Jeremy North
Tim Stannard
Todd Dudley
John Cowan
Tony Handley
John Holden
Joseph Cottrell
John Parry
Keith Hoisington
John Thomson
William Hayes
Barry GorskyMichael Handerhan

Robert and David

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If you are still listening to the podcast on the website, please consider subscribing so you don’t risk missing anything:

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Theme music

The music I use is the last movement of Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite. This has been used as introduction music at many Yes concerts. My theme music is not take from a live concert – I put it together from the following two creative commons sources: thanvannispen and

Episodes YMP Classic Feed

A quick Easter quiz – 329

YES50 T Shirt!
YES50 T Shirt!

Produced by Robert Nasir, Jeffrey Crecelius, Wayne Hall, Preston Frazier and Bill Govier

This week I feed back from the amazing YES50 Fan Convention organised by Brian Neeson and Dave Watkinson. It was a fantastic day and I’ve tried to capture some of it to give you an idea of how it all went if you were unable to go.

  • Who turned up?
  • Who played?
  • What was the atmosphere like?

Listen to the episode then let us know what you think!

Become a YMP Patron!

If you would like to support the Yes Music Podcast, there is a Patreon page where you can sign up.

The iOS and Android YMP apps are no longer available unless you have an old version still on your device.

Upload your photos and videos from the YES50 Fan Convention here:

Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 163 – Quiz results and Christmas Yes haul!

Waiting quietly for their turn on this week's episode!
Part of the Christmas Haul!

The Second YMP Quiz!

The one hundred and sixty-third episode of the Yes Music Podcast featuring the results of the second YMP Quiz and a preview of the items I received for Christmas which I am going to be featuring in forthcoming episodes.

  • Who won the quiz?
  • Who were the runners up?
  • What Yes related items did I receive for Christmas?

Listen to the episode and then add your contributions in any way you like!

Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 160 – The Second Yes Music Podcast Quiz!

The Second YMP Quiz!

The one hundred and sixtieth episode of the Yes Music Podcast featuring the Second Yes Music Podcast Quiz!

  • How many Yes Alphabet questions can you answer?
  • How much do you know about Yes album covers?

Listen to the episode and then submit your answers! Last time, Joost Maglev won the quiz – this time it could be you!


  1. Which letter I is the Young Rascals tune, which was given the Yes cover treatment in 1971 but only released in The Word Is Live boxed set many years later.
  2. Which letter G do I describe as “not an easy listen by any means but the order out of chaos which happens towards the end is masterfully handled with the acoustic guitar solo passage leading to a hauntingly beautiful melody.”
  3. Which D did I sum up like this: “A great artist and I think the gracious and generous way he accepted his departure of the band will always speak volumes about his integrity and how much he personally got out of the experience.”
  4. Who was Ken Brodie referring to in the letter Q episode when he said this – “”given those aborted sessions it makes him an interesting choice.  If memory serves, I don’t think some of the members had kind words for him in the years following the sessions.  It always seems, though, the members of the band are good at fence-mending.”
  5. Which Letter S track did I describe like this – “The tender beauty of this song always sends shivers down my spine. For a real Squire treat listen to his quiet but perfectly-formed line as it climbs around the highest reaches of the instrument and then cascades down for the chorus. Kaye adds some engaging keyboards and it’s an immersive trip encompassing the best of the flower power era as well as the developing Yes aesthetic. A lovely song.”
  6. Which letter E track am I talking about when I say “This track only contains one official Yes man alongside arguably the only other bass player most Yes fans would be happy to have in the band if Chris Squire were ever to leave.”
  7. Which Letter P is this? “The band take the opportunity to emphasise the title by moving to a couple of different triple time feels, settling on an almost waltz beat after the more complex opening patterns. The lyrics talk about inside out and outside in, beautifully reinforcing the topsy-turvy arrangement.”
  8. What letter B prompted me to ponder like this? “Maybe we can see the beginnings of the split between band members who wanted to go separate ways – those pushing for more rock-orientated, heavy songs and those attempting to pull things back in a more progressive direction (if that’s not a contradiction in terms).”
  9. The work of which letter M prompted me to say this? “His use of psychedelic colour palettes and shapes might make him a good fit for the band – at least in its late 60s origins but the cover of this album with its minimalist plain white background doesn’t really convey that feeling at all.”
  10. And finally, Which letter J did I point out had appeared twice in different band’s visual work but not played a note on any of their musical output?
  11. Which Yes album cover features icebergs and black and white creatures?
  12. Which Yes album cover was changed for US release due to the imagery used on the original?
  13. Which album cover was the first to feature the Roger Dean bubble logo?
  14. Name 1 album cover which features both the bubble Yes logo and the square, Japanese inspired one.
  15. Which album cover was originally intended to be reversible and so has the name of the album on both the back and the front?
  16. Most Yes album covers consist of paintings or other graphic elements but name one which also features at least one photograph.
  17. Which Roger Dean cover includes a real landmark from planet earth?
  18. Which album cover features a digitized world map?
  19. Which original album cover includes black and white photographic elements?
  20. Which album cover did Roger Dean say was supposed to look like leather?