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Episode 124 – The Yes Alphabet – ‘R’

…brought to you by the letter, ‘R’.

The one hundred and twenty fourth episode of the Yes Music Podcast, featuring an exploration of some concepts and music beginning with ‘R’.

  • What albums and tracks begin with ‘R’?
  • What concepts relating to Yes begin with ‘R’?
  • Which ‘R’ rescued the band in the 1980s? (Arguably…)

Listen and see if youspot any letter ‘R’s I have left out, then let me know by contacting me via any of the methods below.

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Show links

Violin and Cello duo Heart of the Sunrise on Spotify

Steven Wilson interview about Close to the Edge remixes

Jon Anderson and Transatlantic play The Revealing Science of God (other videos linked from here)

Miguel Falcão – Happy Birthday to Chris Squire

Theme music

The music I use is the last movement of Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite. This has been used as introduction music at many Yes concerts. My theme music is not take from a live concert – I put it together from the following two creative commons sources: thanvannispen and

6 replies on “Episode 124 – The Yes Alphabet – ‘R’”

I haven’t had a chance to listen, but this has already become my favorite episode, because the letter R stands for my favorite album, Relayer. Can’t wait to listen!


This was a fun episode to listen to, and I liked everything you had to say! You do make one error, though: you attribute the fretless bass sound on “Run Through the Light” to Chris, but the bass on that song is actually played by Trevor Horn. Chris plays piano on the song. Having said that–thanks for another splendid episode!

As in ‘set phasers to stun’? Oh no, I mean photon torpedoes. I will listen to that track again and see what I think! Thanks for pointing that out.

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