
Asia’s first album – 378

Asia first album
Asia’s first album

Produced by Jeffrey Crecelius, Wayne Hall, Preston Frazier, Bill Govier and VR Hoisington

This week I’ve been on holiday with the family so this episode will be a quick one. Mark and I have been listening to Asia’s first album on account of the upcoming Royal Affair Tour and more on all that in a few moments.

Listen and let us know what you think!

  • What does Steve Howe sound like?
  • Is this stuck in the 80s?
  • What will it sound like in 2019?

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Show notes and links

Asia first album – Cannot be embedded!

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Episode 88 – The Yes Alphabet – ‘L’

Brought to you by the letter, ‘L’…

The eighty-eighth episode of the Yes Music Podcast featuring The Yes Alphabet – ‘L’.

Listen and then let me know if I have missed out any of your letter ‘L’ suggestions by contacting me via any of the different routes on the right hand side or by leaving a comment below!

  • Which tracks and albums  begin with ‘L’?
  • Who or what is ‘Longwalker’?
  • Which legendary letter ‘L’ almost takes his place amongst the ranks of band personnel?