The eighty-eighth episode of the Yes Music Podcast featuring The Yes Alphabet – ‘L’.
Listen and then let me know if I have missed out any of your letter ‘L’ suggestions by contacting me via any of the different routes on the right hand side or by leaving a comment below!
Which tracks and albums begin with ‘L’?
Who or what is ‘Longwalker’?
Which legendary letter ‘L’ almost takes his place amongst the ranks of band personnel?
The seventy-third episode of the Yes Music Podcast featuring some hopes for the new Yes album which is supposed to be recorded in 2013.
Listen and see if you are hoping for the same thnigs as me, then let me know by contacting me via any of the different routes on the right hand side or by leaving a comment below!
Will the new album be another Fly From Here?
What difference will Jon Davison make?
Will it be epic, progressive or modern?
Please send in photographs of your favourite Yes-related memorabilia
Upload your photograph (with your name in the title) via the page here.
Let me know what you have uploaded and why via the contact form here or by leaving a voicemail on the telephone number on the right or via the green ‘Record a message’ button.
This can be any kind of Yes item – it doesn’t need to be rare or valuable – we are just interested in the story behind it and why it means so much to you. (By uploading, you agree to let me add your photograph to a YouTube video and to re-tell your story on the podcast.)