Episodes YMP Classic Feed

The Ladder Revisited – 290

The Ladder
The Ladder

Produced by Preston Frazier, Bill Govier, Wayne Hall and Michel Arsenault.

This week I couldn’t find a time to record with Mark but we still managed to take another, separate look at The Ladder after many mentions of it recently. Mark also reviews Yesterdays.

  • What to leave out?
  • What to put on?
  • Live or studio tracks?

Listen to the episode then let us know what you think!

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Yes Music PodcastYMP patrons:

Preston Frazier | Bill Govier | Wayne Hall | Michel Arsenault

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Paul Wilson | Jamie McQuinn | Miguel Falcão | Ken Fuller | David Pannell | Brian Sullivan | Joost Doesburg | Jeremy North | Tim Stannard | David Watkinson | Steve Roehr | Geoff Baillie | William Hayes



Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 88 – The Yes Alphabet – ‘L’

Brought to you by the letter, ‘L’…

The eighty-eighth episode of the Yes Music Podcast featuring The Yes Alphabet – ‘L’.

Listen and then let me know if I have missed out any of your letter ‘L’ suggestions by contacting me via any of the different routes on the right hand side or by leaving a comment below!

  • Which tracks and albums  begin with ‘L’?
  • Who or what is ‘Longwalker’?
  • Which legendary letter ‘L’ almost takes his place amongst the ranks of band personnel?