Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 62 – Start as you mean to go on?

Openings then and now…

The sixty-second episode of the Yes Music Podcast featuring the opening tracks of all the studio albums’.

Listen and see if all you agree with my assessment of the way in which each album begins, then let me know by contacting me via any of the different routes on the right hand side or by leaving a comment below!

  • Does the band use the same approach to all opening tracks?
  • Does the opening track always set the scene for the rest of the album?
  • Are all opening tracks equally as successful?

If you would like to claim your YMP Listener Open Badge, send an email to or fill in the contact form.


Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 61 – The Yes Alphabet – ‘F’

…brought to you by the letter, ‘F’.

The sixty-first episode of the Yes Music Podcast featuring the letter, ‘F’.

Listen and see if all your letter ‘F’ choices are included, then let me know by contacting me via any of the different routes on the right hand side or by leaving a comment below!

  • Two albums begin with ‘F’ and each one has a track which begins with ‘F’ – can you name all four items?
  • How many other tracks can you think of beginning with ‘F’?
  • What have I missed out in the whole history of the group which begins with ‘F?

If you would like to claim your YMP Listener Open Badge, send an email to or fill in the contact form.


Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 56 – The Yes Alphabet – ‘E’

…brought to you by the letter, ‘E’.

The fifty-sixth episode of the Yes Music Podcast featuring the letter, ‘E’.

Listen and see if all your letter ‘E’ choices are included. Then let me know by contacting me via any of the different routes on the right hand side or by leaving a comment below!

  • How many Yes tracks begin with ‘E’?
  • Have I missed any important facts, tracks or Yes concepts?
  • Why not get in touch and let me know?
Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 49 – The Yes Alphabet – ‘B’

…brought to you by the letter, ‘B’.

The forty-ninth episode of the Yes Music Podcast featuring the letter, ‘B’.

  • What can you think of for the letter, ‘B’?
  • Band members?
  • Songs?
  • Albums?
  • What else?

Listen and see if your letter ‘B’ choices are included. Then let me know by contacting me via any of the different routes on the right hand side or by leaving a comment below!

Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 32 – Your Yes Fantasy Live!

Listen to these Live Fantasies

The thirty-second episode of the Yes Music Podcast featuring listeners’ ideas of their fantasy Yes live event.

  • What would the ultimate Yes Live event be?
  • Who would it feature?
  • What would the setting be and when in time?

Listen and see if you agree with other listeners then let me know by leaving a comment or contacting me via the different routes on the right hand side!