Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Yes Singles Part 10 – Drama – 325

Into The Lens single
Into The Lens single

Produced by Robert Nasir, Jeffrey Crecelius, Wayne Hall, Preston Frazier and Bill Govier

It’s Drama this week which fits in well with the forthcoming launch of Fly From Here – Return Trip at the #YES50 Fan Convention in London next week. Mark and I also get to bang on about the set list for the first two concerts of the #YES50 tour and there is a huge amount of news!

  • How does Into the Lens works as a single?
  • Was it the only single from Drama?
  • What was the B side?

Listen to the episode then let us know what you think!

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Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 183 – Yes Tracks Through Time Part 9 – Drama Tracks

Drama to be played live in 2016 in its entirety!

In this tracks through time edition, I listen to the previous outings of some Drama tracks.

  • What can we expect from these Drama tracks live in 2016?
  • Is Jon Davison going to be the best Yes singer for Drama?
  • Who else has played these tracks?

Listen to the episodeĀ and thenĀ let me know what you think!