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Episode 115 – The Yes Alphabet – ‘P’

…brought to you by the letter, ‘P’.

The one hundred and fifteenth episode of the Yes Music Podcast, featuring some interesting concepts and tracks beginning with the letter ‘P’.

  • Are there any’P’  band members?
  • What concepts begin with ‘P’?
  • How many ‘P’ tracks are there?

Listen and see if you can spot anything I have missed out, then let me know by contacting me via any of the methods below.

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Show links

Jacob Moon website

Interview with Dave Potts

Twelve-tone technique of the Second Viennese School of composers

Surrealist movement

The Creative Commons license we intend to use for the e-book

Progressive Nation at Sea 2014 (Jon Anderson headlining)

Vote for Yes in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nominations


Theme music

The music I use is the last movement of Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite. This has been used as introduction music at many Yes concerts. My theme music is not take from a live concert – I put it together from the following two creative commons sources: thanvannispen and

3 replies on “Episode 115 – The Yes Alphabet – ‘P’”

Another great episode, Kevin–thanks! I believe “Picasso” was part of the aborted Paris sessions, hence it’s unfinished nature. There is a scene in the “Yes Years” video where Jon, Trevor, and Alan appear to be sitting in a commissary discussing the Paris sessions. Alan refers to the song, and Jon begins singing it! This little mini-version is actually better than the demo on Tormato!

It wouldn’t be hard to be better! Not a classic. Yes I think you are correct about the Paris sessions. Now Mr. Baker has returned, I wonder what we are in for?

I wonder as well…given those aborted sessions it makes him an interesting choice. If memory serves, I don’t think some of the members had kind words for him in the years following the sessions. It always seems, though, the members of the band are good at fence-mending. Baker did a good job with Jon’s “3 Ships,” so I am hopeful.

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