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Episode 69 – ‘Classic Yes’

Cassette purchased circa. 1984, CD purchased circa. 2005. (Click to enlarge.)
Cassette purchased circa. 1984, CD purchased circa. 2005. (Click to enlarge.)

The sixty-ninth episode of the Yes Music Podcast featuring the 1981 compilation album, ‘Classic Yes’.

Listen and see if you agree with me, then let me know by contacting me via any of the different routes on the right hand side or by leaving a comment below!

  • Is it possible to have a single album with a representative selection of Classic Yes tracks?
  • Are the right tracks here in the right order?
  • What’s missing?

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Chris Squire Vintage Rock Interview

Rockline Radio Squire and White Interview

Squire Yahoo Interview

Downes Rock Show Critique Interview

Davison Technology Tell Interview

Cruise to the Edge

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Theme music

The music I use is the last movement of Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite. This has been used as introduction music at many Yes concerts. My theme music is not take from a live concert – I put it together from the following two creative commons sources:

thanvannispen and

6 replies on “Episode 69 – ‘Classic Yes’”

Hey Kevin,

What about this for a second side of “Classic Yes”:

Time and a Word
The Revealing Science of God
Mood For a Day
Tempus Fugit

Live Bonus tracks:
Perpetual Change (Yessongs version)
Gates of Delirium

I think that covers a lot of ground. I don’t consider Tormato a classic Yes album, despite loving many of the songs on it. To me, the ones above convey the magic of the classic Yes years.


Great suggestions, Fred! Everything on your list could be described as a classic. I also would love to see some of the early songs like Time and a Word feature.

I also agree that the definition of ‘classic’ Yes should be expanded significantly from what’s on this album. It certainly must contain Time and a Word to Drama. Thanks for the comment!

Hello Kevin,
I think a new live album would be great I would love to see all the various artist that have performed over the years and I’m talking all of them from the very beginning to the current line up. I myself would love to hear all those I guess you would call them b side songs I would call them great music tracks that just don’t exist live such as Silent Wings Of Freedom that is a power song that when done live would be just amazing. also there are so many others that could bring me to tears to hear live. State of Play from Talk
To Be Over which I have heard live just not seen it live.great great tune.Looking Around Dear Father I could go on and on much like I believe Yes will keep going on and on well I at least hope so..
Anyways great job again like always keep up the great work it matters
Warm Regards
Paul Tomei

Great suggestions, Paul. Chris Squire said that he thinks Jon Anderson may be back in the future for a special occasion or two – maybe they will make some of your dreams come true if that happens!

My song choices for Classic Yes LP, given its release date & time constraint, would be
Time and a Word
Starship Trooper
Heart of the Sunrise
And You and I
Sound Chaser

At that time nothing from either Tormato nor Drama would be vaguely ‘Classic’
I did wonder at the time of the odd choices, and that it was only a single LP.

[A more logical choice would have been a double album, which would definitely have included:

Close to the Edge (surely THE classic Yes song of all time)
Revealing Science of God
Gates of Delirium ]

A feature of Yes albums is that the last song often makes you want to play the whole thing again. That’s why I’d have Awaken last.

Excellent choices, Jeremy! I’m very glad to see Time and a Word there! The market is now flooded with ‘best of’ compilations but I wonder if any of them are as good as your collection?

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