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Produced by Preston Frazier, David Gordon, Bill Govier, Wayne Hall and Michel Arsenault.
What a treat it was to welcome Lee Pomeroy, bassist with ARW amongst many other bands and projects, onto the show. We had a brilliant time talking to him and we hope you also enjoy listening to it. Mark reviews Time And A Word as well as taking the plunge with a new segment all about his passion for things technical in recorded Yes music. Enjoy!
- What’s it like playing with Rick Wakeman?
- How important is it to honour Chris Squire’s bass lines?
- Why do you play your bass upside down?
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Mark’s vinyl review photos:
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Close to the Edge analysis by Greg Dietz (pdf)
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12 replies on “An interview with ARW bassist, Lee Pomeroy – 266”
Hi Mark and Kevin – thanks again for another episode. I’m wondering how many other YMP listeners are hard-core collectors of alternate/import versions. I found the new Vinyl/CD analysis section to be far more detailed than I need. I’d rather have more discussion about older projects or newer thoughts regarding Yes and ARW. I just wonder if I’m one of the few who DON’T care about such trivia about different releases or if most listeners are like me. I appreciate your analysis of things but I frankly found the discussion of different German versions to be a lot longer than I really needed. I remain a loyal listener and a fan. And I loved the Pomeroy interview – what fun! Please take this mild criticism in the friendly spirit in which it is offered.
You and me both Bob. I was losing the will to live during that new segment. FF was the only thing to save me :-), it should be about the music not the medium.
Hello Bob,
Thanks for your comments. I realize that not all listeners may not be collectors. .but I decided to give it a go because there were listeners who had mentioned an interest in it….some listeners are interested in hearing more about the various equipment and gear used by the guys in the band (guitars…amps…FX pedals etc..) and that may get discussed as well…the great thing about Yes fans is that everyone has various interests in regards to the group. The vinyl segment obviously won’t be a permanent segment as there is only so much to go over..and while I’m sure there are those who find it interesting. ..it’s easy enough to just fast forward the 10 minutes I’m sure.
I’m glad you enjoyed the interview. ..Lee was a blast to talk with…ironically he is a big vinyl collector (wink wink…haha)..i look forward to speaking with him again.
Take care my friend.
Mark Anthony K
Thanks, Mark – yeah, I enjoyed the gear discussion with Lee so I get your point. I listen in the car so it’s not as easy to fast forward. 🙂 Just thought I’d add my 2 pence.
Hi Mark. I liked your new section today. Interesting what you said about Friday Music as I’m keen to grow my vinyl collection. However, looking at the comments on Amazon, Kevin better take care if getting Tormato or Going for the One in the UK, as most of the buyers were complaining about the poor quality of the records. Maybe FM in the U.S. has a better quality. The Yes album was not FM and was getting 5 stars. Terry
Great Show
I really enjoyed the interview with Lee very very cool!
can’t wait for next week..
Thanks Paul. Lee is another gent of prog and another true Yes fan who finds himself playing with the originators of the music. Yes is such a rich story still developing today!
My thoughts on the vinyl segment are similar to Bob’s. I take the point about the gear, but I’d venture the detail about vinyl is far more niche? Not a complaint, more a case of registering a view. It’s good to try things out but also good to get feedback (no point putting in the effort if it turns out no one appreciates it)
Great interview with Lee Pomeroy. Sounds a decent guy. And the first person I’ve ever heard admit publicly he prefers BG to 90125!
Smashing interview chaps. What a great bloke Lee is and even better for you Kevin, it looks like you have another invite to meet the band. Softly softly …
Time and a Word: I think it is their most underappreciated album. I think it is the best after the classic series which followed it. Tremendous energy and edge. The musicianship is amazing, so tight and punchy Chris and Bill at the top of their game. Also great production though the orchestral parts are a bit of a contentious point as you said Mark. Less would be more in this case. I’d love to hear it remixed.
Thanks Jeremy. As you say, only time will tell what I might who I might be able to speak to in Birmingham. Should be fun!
You, me, Mark and Steve Howe all really like Time and a Word. I wonder what could be done with the orchestral parts…I would love to hear a different version as well.
Really enjoyed interview with Lee. I first saw him perform as part of It BItes; I think he is now officially a member of the band. They are an interesting group, much underrated in some circles; moving from 80’s pop to a prog rock following. Roger Dean got involved with graphics for an album cover (Eat Me in St Louis) and they have been known to pay homage to Yes and Genesis at live shows. I saw John Mitchell (‘new’ lead singer for It Bites) at the Albert Hall for the Drama/Fragile tour. They have also performed with John Wetton for the Cumbria flooding relief fund.
I may have missed a show or two but I don’t think much was said about Steve Howe’s tour in October. I saw him at the Jazz Café in London. Great venue: we stood just a couple of metres from the stage which was simply a slightly raised platform. He did a great mixture of solo stuff as well as a fair bit of Yes. A nice touch was when after a few songs he asked us not to take any more pictures or film on phones, but instead to be with him in the moment! He came out afterwards for autographs etc which was a nice touch.
I’m really enjoying the show. I liked the vinyl section, although I appreciate that for some it may be a bit ‘niche’. Interesting though. Thanks, Peter T.
Thanks for all that Peter! I was a huge fan of It Bites when they first started and the videos of later on with Lee are great. I must get to some solo shows as it’s clearly the best way to meet the guys!