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Episode 75 – An interview with Yes book author, Scott O’Reilly

Author and Yes fan, Scott O'Reilly
Author and Yes fan, Scott O’Reilly
The mythical Ouroboros which eats its own tail
The mythical Ouroboros which eats its own tail

The seventy-fifth episode of the Yes Music Podcast featuring an interview with Scott O’Reilly, author of ‘Yes and Philosophy: The Spiritual and Philosophical Dimensions of Yes Music’.

Listen and find out what the book is all about, then let me know what you think by contacting me via any of the different routes on the right hand side or by leaving a comment below!

  • What have the sun and the mythical Uroborus got to do with Yes music?
  • Are Jon Anderson’s lyrics just impossible to understand?
  • Why should you read Scott’s book?

The Yes and Philosophy blog by Scott

Scott’s author page on Amazon

Yes and Philosophy paperback on Amazon (UK)

Yes and Philosophy Kindle edition on Amazon (UK)