We’re back with an in-depth review of Yes Featuring ARW’s live new album. There are several different audio and video versions and it looks and sounds great!
How does this collection sound and look?
Do we miss Howe?
Can we hear Lee Pomeroy’s bass?
Listen to the episode then let us know what you think!
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Produced by Jeffrey Crecelius, Wayne Hall, Preston Frazier and Bill Govier
After thinking about Patrick Moraz last week, this week we’ve turned our attention to what happened after he left the band. Rick Wakeman returned and Going for the One was created. We listened to the studio recordings and the live recordings of the three Going for the One songs on Yesshows and discussed what happened when Yes changed once again.
There’s also time for a two pence segment on the newly-release YouTube video of the first full song from Yes featuring ARW’s forthcoming release – Live at the Apollo.
Wakeman returns – how does it go?
Are we back to progressive rock rather then the jazz-fusion influenced Relayer?
How do the new songs sound live?
Listen to the episode then let us know what you think!