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Get involved with the Yes Music Podcast e-book!

Drama era Yes
1980 Yes by Jeremy North

As you probably know, we are planning a series of e-books covering the various stages of YES music and based around some of the Yes Music Podcast episodes.

Our first publication will cover the period from Tormato in 1978 to Talk in 1994 inclusive – a sixteen year span that saw many changes in the world’s greatest progressive rock band.

We are looking for contributions from YMP listeners in order to make this a community effort.

If you have anecdotes, images of the band or of memorabilia for inclusion in this e-book, we would love to include them.

Unfortunately, there’s a bit of information I need to give you now to make sure we all understand how we are going to run this project.

Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 113 – Steven Wilson Close to the Edge Remixes – part 1

Close to the Edge 2013
CD/DVD purchased 2013

The one hundred and thirteenth episode of the Yes Music Podcast, featuring the new Steven Wilson remixes of Close to the Edge.


  • Why would you fork out the money for a new version of Close to the Edge?
  • How could the original be improved?
  • What does 2013 technology add to the 70s classic?

Listen and see if you agree with me, then get involved by contacting me via any of the methods below.

For a copy of the e-book guidelines, please see the full show notes.