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9012Live – 282

My 90125 and 9012Live collection
My 90125 and 9012Live collection

Produced by Preston Frazier, David Gordon, Bill Govier, Wayne Hall and Michel Arsenault.

We were delighted to welcome Joost Maglev onto the show this week to discuss 9012Live from 1985. We all really enjoyed this fantastic live concert film and the 80s fashions it contains! Mark also reviews the Patrick Moraz album ‘Syrinx – Coexistence’.

  • How does the band look and sound on this film?
  • Is ARW the same as Yes in the Rabin era?
  • How did selling millions of records affect the live show?

Listen to the episode then let us know what you think!

Joost’s website

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Mark’s Syrinx – Coexistence photos:

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Theme music

The music I use is the last movement of Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite. This has been used as introduction music at many Yes concerts. My theme music is not take from a live concert – I put it together from the following two creative commons sources: thanvannispen and

10 replies on “9012Live – 282”

I saw this tour in March of 1984 in San Diego, CA at the sports arena – way up high in the nosebleed section with the kind of sound you’d expect for that venue. Still, it was great to be able to see them again, eight years after my previous Yes show and having been resigned to their death for quite a while. I remember having this video on VHS – haven’t seen it again for decades now. The non-actual-concert bits I thought were… weird and somewhat intrusive. I’ve always enjoyed the Rabin-era arrangements of classic songs, especially the (slightly over-dramatized) “And You And I” and the sharpening up of parts of “Heart of the Sunrise.” From what I’ve heard now that you’ve reviewed it, I may just have to get the DVD.

Yeah – $35 t-shirts… I have two of them from ARW that I now refuse to wear…

So – “Syrinx” and Patrick Moraz? The first thing that came to my mind was “What? Rush with Moraz on keyboards?” Now, THAT would be something! And then, of course, if they were to cover Patrick’s “Temples of Joy,” would they call it “Temples of Syrinx…”?

Non-specifically-YES-related: Mark and Kevin, both of you, thanks for your kind words of sympathy and encouragement. It’s been a pretty rough week and we’re both – sadly – getting used to a large empty space in our lives. We do tend to dote on our pets, don’t we? She was 15 years old and did not deserve the fate she was dealt.


Hi Joseph and thanks for the comment. I really think you should get the DVD. I really enjoyed watching it this week. I wish I had seen this tour as well. All the best!

The DVDs of 9012Live I’ve found so far are prohibitively expensive. I found some reasonably priced ones, but they were not coded for North America. Anyone have a source?

Yeah – $50 for something described as “used – acceptable” on Amazon; slightly more at eBay. Tickets to the actual show would have been le$$! I guess I just don’t need to see it that badly…

Been thinking of you this week. Onward indeed, but we share your love for the pets who share our lives. ❤️‼️

Great show! Found the DVD and am about to enjoy it with new perspectives. Thanks so much!

Review and update:
Keys for today: 1-listen to YMP, 2-select director’s cut, 3-pour Woodford, 4-invite Scout (Shih Tsu lap dog).
Observations: great to see Chris in his prime. Tony seems so happy. Alan is young. Trevor was a great vocalist.
This lineup had three who could sing lead. All five sang on Leave It.

I am increasingly aggravated with JonA despite his incredible contributions with his quote this week. “When I started Yes…”. What narcissism.

RIP Chris.

I should mention that I saw the 9012Live tour in Dallas, TX, USA. I was wondering how Trevor would handle the 70s Yes songs. I remember be particularly impressed by his take of And You And I, handling Steve’s pedal steel parts on his Strat. Fun show, same as on the DVD. Chris Squire in the medical garb, so funny!

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