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Episode 22 – ‘Perpetual Change’

Book by David Watkinson (link to buy it in the show notes)

The twenty-second episode of the Yes Music Podcast all about changes in personnel.

  • Are Yes band personnel changes evolution or revolution?
  • Is it more difficult to replace a singer than an instrumentalist?
  • What does the future hold for personnel?

Listen and see if you agree with me then let me know by leaving a comment or contacting me via the different routes on the right hand side!

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Perpetual Change:
Yes, you are right, I didn’t mean the Amadeus Quartet who never replaced any members – I really meant the Allegri Quartet
Coull Quartet:
I also called Peter Banks, Tony Banks, thus mixing him up with Tony Kaye – I must be more careful! Sorry!

Theme music

The music I use is the last movement of Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite. This has been used as introduction music at many Yes concerts. My theme music is not take from a live concert – I put it together from the following two creative commons sources:

thanvannispen and

4 replies on “Episode 22 – ‘Perpetual Change’”

Hello Kevin,
I must say that I enjoyed this show a lot I think that you should do it like that more often I think the flow of show was very nice and I did not hear you stumble your words at all. How fitting Perpetual Change funny how they would write there own script but really it has and following your comments well actually the show I must say you did a great job and again with out bias which is very hard to not find I mean someone always has a favorite band member but you were able I think to let the band speak for its self. I know I would enjoy these shows when your not so ridged and just a little more relaxed it felt more natural to me but please don’t think for a moment that I did not enjoy your other shows because that would be a flat out lie.I’m going to try and work on a intro for your show but Its going to be hard because of the way you paint with your words so be looking for that until next week ABWH you know I will leave you a message have a great week talk to you soon
Paul Tomei

Thanks, Paul. I was really nervous about this episode – but I think when I re-listened to it myself that I agree with you about the flow being quite good.

I’m thinking of having sections of this kind of thing mixed in with other segments – we will see!

Thanks so much as always for taking the time to comment!

Like Paul, I thought this week’s podcast flowed well – even with notes it’s not an easy job to do this unscripted. Well done.
With all the previous podcasts, where you’ve made points with which I disagree, I’ve been happy simply to accept we have differing opinions, but this time I’m moved to discuss your comments further. I think you’ve (possibly deliberately) oversimplified the distinction between “evolutionary” and “revolotionary” changes. I would certainly put Steve Howe in the revolutionary bracket. His arrival moved the band in a very different direction and he even arrived with, if not his own songs, certainly parts – Wurm appears in an earlier guise on the Bodast album, as does one of the themes from Close to the Edge. It is almost certain that without this change, Atlantic would have dropped Yes, at least according to Chris Welch’s biography. One could also make the case for Rick Wakemen’s introduction of synthesisers being revolutionary. So, I don’t think changes in personell are either revolutionary or evolutionary – by their very nature they are all part of the evolution of the band but some may “revolutionise” the sound/material more than others.
Keep up the great work

Thanks for the comment. Interesting to hear about Steve Howe! You are, of course, right about the over-simplification which is probably necessary for the length of the episode 😉 I’m very glad it prompted you to comment! Thanks again.

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