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Billy Sherwood’s A Life in Yes Chris Squire Tribute Album – 360

A Life in Yes
A Life in Yes

Produced by Jeffrey Crecelius, Wayne Hall, Preston Frazier and Bill Govier

This week we listen to Billy Sherwood’s excellent Chris Squire Tribute album, A life in Yes. We also discuss what Anderson, Rabin and Wakeman could have brought to that album if things had been very different – which is a topic suggested by Steven Shinder and not Daniel Krohn as I say later on in the episode – sorry Steven.

  • Who is on this collection?
  • How do the versions sound?
  • Is it a fitting tribute to Chris Squire?

Listen to the episode then let us know what you think!

Musicology analysis of the cover songs made by Yes, specifically Every Little Thing – spotted by José David.

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Episode 5 of Geoff Bailie’s brand new Yes show!
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Jeffrey Crecelius | Preston Frazier | Bill Govier | Wayne Hall |

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Theme music

The music I use is the last movement of Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite. This has been used as introduction music at many Yes concerts. My theme music is not take from a live concert – I put it together from the following two creative commons sources: thanvannispen and

11 replies on “Billy Sherwood’s A Life in Yes Chris Squire Tribute Album – 360”

I just finished listening while walking my dogs, sat down here at the computer and found the album now available on iTunes! (And now available in my iTunes library!)

I wonder if the songs included here will have any bearing on upcoming Yes setlists… I suppose Steve is probably the Head Guy In Charge in those discussions.

…and I can only imagine that if Jon A. had been involved with this project, he would have tried to take over the whole damned thing, and then take it on tour somehow. (I know you two are still crossing your fingers and holding your breath for that ARW studio album…)

Here’s a while flight of fancy that occurred to me while I was listening: “Owner of a Lonely Heart” by the current (live) Yes – Billy doing the guitar solo while Jon D. takes over the bass guitar… which would be just a bit too weird, I think.

The album art reminds me very much of Steve Hackett’s “Spectral Mornings” and “Defector” albums.

Great show this week, guys – lots to ponder and listen to.

…and now that album is going to my stereo at significant volume.

Ah – iTunes – what a rubbish piece of software – as it has always been. Thanks for the comment, Joseph! So glad you like the new Billy disc!

Excellent episode. Thank you Mark for not repeating what Kevin had already said. I have to get this album based on your reviews. I’d also like to get the album by Dave K but it was somewhat confusing that there was a cd but on line extras. What is the best way to get the lot on CD?

Thanks Jeremy. Both albums are definitely worth it. Dave Kerzner explains how to get hold of all the music on his collection but I don’t believe it’s all available on the old guys’ format (and I include myself in that…)

Great episode Kevin & Mark! I really enjoy hearing your reviews. You both do an excellent job! I’ll be getting both Billy’s and Dave’s tribute albums. Thanks for all of the time and effort you put into the podcast. It is greatly appreciated!

First six / seven tracks of this Squire Tribute set are fantastic and after that it pales a bit for me but definitely worth it for first 40 minutes (why do albums have to be so long? 35 minutes used to be just fine). Back in the day this would be a seven track album with Roundabout as the b-side to the lead-off single.

Why only six/seven tracks? Well, Parallels was never my favourite song (far too many words, a bit “it’s Punk Rock time lads, lets do something fast and furious” and not enough air/space ) but I love the guitar playing on this version, especially the little bits where he is channelling Carlos Santana in fusion mode. Owner and Whale have never been big favourites from a song writing point of view and so Roundabout is the only major disappointment as I am a big Todd fan and expected more. Also really wish he was playing guitar on it. When it comes to the bonuses I am not at all sure anyone needs another recording of Comfortably Numb other than those on The Wall and Is There Anybody Out There? It’s an ok version (the solo is lovely but the original is a very hard act to follow) – poignant but not really essential in itself.

Other downsides? Too few to really mention but as with the Palladium shows I do find the snare sound and its prominence in the mixes a bit wearing compared with Bruford and White but that may just be my aversion to 80s production tropes in general.

The rest is magnificent and On The Silent Wings Of Freedom is particularly fascinating because that is almost a shadow Yes line up in itself. As with Yesterday and Today this definitely a must-have and I would buy either before the ARW record.

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