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Yes Music Champagne Moments

Yes Music Podcast listeners' champagne moments!

After a fantastic response from listeners, I have been able to put together a great episode. Listen and find out what your fellow Yes fans consider to be the best moments of Yes music – the moments which remind them why they love listening to Yes – their ‘champagne moments’.

Many thanks to the following listeners for their contributions:

William Mulryne @william_mulryne

Michael Williams @TheWeams

Roger Dean Crab Nebula
Fires were set during Ritual
Shortly Afterwards
Jon (Boy do I miss him)

Joost Doesberg

Peter Flint @DrumBux

Andy @Owz62

Liam Barnes

Herbert Rafael @HerbertBebetow

MJ Murphy

Mark Toner@tonertweets

Paul Caruana

Ben Craven @CravenBen

Creative Commons image credit: oskay

4 replies on “Yes Music Champagne Moments”

Wow that would be tough for me to ask me what are my Champagne moments of listening to Yes.For me it all started way back in 1969 when I was 10 years old and I was listening to Chicago and Blood Sweat and Tears and my neighbor said you got to hear this and it was the Yes album and I was like wow I had never heard anything like that and it was love at fist hear I know it sounds corny but its the truth. I was able to see them the first time in 1976 with Patrick Moraz and that show blew me away! seen them every year they came to Detroit for like 12 or 14 time can’t remember the all. Oh well sorry I kinda of got off track love your pod cast its kinda of interesting to hear other Yes fans prospective great job keep up the good work
Paul Tomei

Thanks so much for the comment, Paul. It’s great to hear your Champagne moments. Seeing the band in their prime must have been amazing. Please keep listening!

Thanks, Ben! Yes, I am very fortunate to be able to rely on the knowledgeable and passionate listeners to the YMP! Great to have you along for the ride, as always. I hope you have an even more successful 2012.

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