
Will 2025 be a great year for Yes? – with Henry Potts – 657

Produced by Wayne Hall, Joseph Cottrell, Jeffrey Crecelius and Ken Fuller

Unfortunately, Mark was unwell this week so we wish him a speedy recovery. I’m sure he will be back with us next week.

I did manage to speak to the Yes expert Henry Potts, however, about his recent blog post. Called ‘What does 2025 hold for Yes fans?’ it contains, in Henry’s usual style, a huge amount of detail about all sorts of live and recorded Yes and Yes-related activity that may or may not see the light of day in 2025.

As I say later on, if only half of what we talk about actually appears, it will indeed be a great year for Yes and associated artists.

Many thanks to Henry who was as cheerful and generous as always, despite only having 24hrs notice of the recording.

Henry’s site is a veritable cornucopia of Yes and Yes-related information and is one of the longest-lived sources of Yes information on the internet, having been active since 1998!

  • What is Yes likely to do in 2025?
  • What has already been announced?
  • What are past Yes members up to this year?

Let us know if you agree with us!

What does 2025 have in store for Yes fans?

I MADE IT TO ANTHEM 52! MY Other podcast –

Yes – The Tormato Story

Available now!

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  • Joseph Cottrell
  • Wayne Hall
  • Ken Fuller
  • Jeffrey Crecelius


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Theme music

The music I use is the last movement of Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite. This has been used as introduction music at many Yes concerts.

One reply on “Will 2025 be a great year for Yes? – with Henry Potts – 657”

The simple answer to the question is Yes! We have a bounty of new music and concerts to look forward to, as we have in recent years, from the Yes family tree. I’m most looking forward to the new Yes album, the new DBA album, a new Yes tour, hopefully seeing Jon and the Band Geeks in concert, Asia in concert, a new Circa: album, and more. Can’t wait!

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