
Episode delayed

To add to my sense of devastation at the passing of our lead bass hero, Chris Squire, I am not able to release episode 185 of the Yes Music Podcast on time.

In my day job, I do the exact opposite of Yes music and the YMP. I won’t go into it here in detail. This has unfortunately meant that I simply haven’t had time to record the episode which is all ready to go.

Chris Squire also lived his life at 100 miles an hour but for significantly better reasons than what I’ve been up to lately.

I’ll be back next week, hopefully before Friday.


8 replies on “Episode delayed”

The passing of Chris Squire is huge for Yes and it’s fans. One can only imagine the grief his family are going through never mind Alan White by his side all those years. I love Yes in all its line-ups and I still want to see and hear Yes music played live.

Long live Yes….long live the great memory of Chris.

No worries Kevin. I can relate to your exact opposite of Yes comment, regarding my day job. Take care. I look forward to you sharing your thoughts on our beloved Chris. But I think I speak for all us YMP folks, when I say, breathe in, breathe out. We’ll be here. Still mourning.

Peace to you and yours,


Kevin :
We ALL need time to process the events of this week…..Thank you for your tireless efforts for
the Podcast.

Miguel – I know what a huge fan you are as I have really enjoyed your work and appreciation of Chris, so thinking of you at this time and sending you my best wishes.

No problem Kevin. You have done a great job in promoting Chris’s work and spreading the word, as well as providing a service for the die hard fans like me. Chris would have appreciated that – you help keep the flame alive. It’s such a sad loss on many levels, For many of us his music has been part of our life for many, many years, so it’s going to take a while to get used to him not being around. Many condolences to Scotty and family as well as the rest of the band.
Looking forward to the next YMP when the time is right for you Kevin.

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