
BBC Sounding Out – Yes in 1971 – 637

Produced by Wayne Hall, Joseph Cottrell, Jeffrey Crecelius and Ken Fuller

Mark and I had a lot of fun talking about a remarkable video suggested by Rachel Hadaway this week. From a BBC programme called Sounding Out, it features live show footage and interviews with the band from 1971, shortly after Rick Wakeman joined.

It’s full of period charm, as they say, and thankfully available on YouTube now. You might want to watch it before listening to Mark and me banging on about it – or you might not. If you do, there’s a video embedded in the show notes below.

  • How does the band sound?
  • What is the venue like?
  • What did each band member say in their interview?

Let us know if you agree with us!

Gonzo Multimedia DVD of the BBC Sounding Out programme

There are only 100 of these packs available, so buy yours now! (Opens in a new window)

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  • Joseph Cottrell
  • Wayne Hall
  • Ken Fuller
  • Jeffrey Crecelius


Jim Morrison Jon Pickles Declan Logue
Gary Betts Aaron SteelmanMichael Handerhan
Barry Gorsky Steve Perry Doug Curran
Martin Kjellberg Todd Dudley Rachel Hadaway
Lind  Paul Hailes Craig Estenes
Mark James Lang Steve Rode David
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Chris Bandini David Heyden John Thomson
Mark Baggs John Cowan John Parry
Dave Owen Simon Barrow Steve Scott
Terence Sadler Steve Dill Robert Nasir 
Fergus Cubbage William Hayes Geoff Bailie
Steven Roehr Lobate Scarp Geoffrey Mason
David Watkinson Tim Stannard Robert Vandiver
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Theme music

The music I use is the last movement of Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite. This has been used as introduction music at many Yes concerts. My theme music is not take from a live concert – I put it together from:

5 replies on “BBC Sounding Out – Yes in 1971 – 637”

I first got a copy of this show on videotape in the early 80s, when I was seriously trading videotapes with others around the world. I then got upgraded copies over the years, until I bought the dvd when it was released in 2013. It’s a must see for classic Yes fans, and nice that it’s been on YouTube for awhile now! Attached is my last videotape version from about ’93. If you are looking to buy a copy of the dvd, I see it on eBay periodically.

Thanks for taking up my suggestion to review “Sounding Out” – I’m so glad you liked it! We’re very fortunate it was preserved from 1972 until now and it’s on YT for all to enjoy.

Hi Rachel,
Thank you for your suggestion. It was great fun going down memory lane. As I said, during the podcast, I’ve most have watched this half a dozen times at least. I never get tired of it.
Thanks again.

Mark Anthony K

Thank you Rachel for suggesting it. I’d not seen it before. I think Kevin should have asked you to be on the podcast to talk about it 🙂

THank you Kevin and Mark for another excellent episode. Last week I meant to compliment you for your top quality interview with Steve H. He really comes across as laid back and happy in contrast with how he’s seemed in the past.
Then this documentary where his playing is so good.. Renewed respect for me.

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