Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 113 – Steven Wilson Close to the Edge Remixes – part 1

Close to the Edge 2013
CD/DVD purchased 2013

The one hundred and thirteenth episode of the Yes Music Podcast, featuring the new Steven Wilson remixes of Close to the Edge.


  • Why would you fork out the money for a new version of Close to the Edge?
  • How could the original be improved?
  • What does 2013 technology add to the 70s classic?

Listen and see if you agree with me, then get involved by contacting me via any of the methods below.

For a copy of the e-book guidelines, please see the full show notes.


Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 110 – Unboxing Close to the Edge

Close to the Edge 2013
CD/DVD purchased 2013 (Click to enlarge…)

The one hundred and tenth episode of the Yes Music Podcast, featuring an audio unboxing of the new Steven Wilson version of Close to the Edge. I am on leave this week so this is a short episode.

  • What is the quality of the packaging like?
  • Are there any interesting additions to the sleeve notes?
  • How can you tell what’s on the discs?

See if you agree with me and then let me know by contacting me via any of the methods below.

Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 109 – Close to the Edge in Prog Magazine

Prog magazine
Magazine purchased 2013

The one hundred and ninth episode of the Yes Music Podcast, featuring the Close to the Edge edition of Prog Magazine.

  • What interesting items are there from Sid Smith’s research to discover?
  • What does this package contain?
  • Is it worth buying physical magazines in the digital age?

See if you agree with me and then let me know by contacting me via any of the methods below.

Episodes Interview Specials YMP Classic Feed

Episode 107 – an interview with author, Sid Smith

Sid Smith
The gentleman of prog, Sid Smith

The one hundred and seventh episode of the Yes Music Podcast, featuring an interview with Sid Smith, author of a book about King Crimson, writer of many album sleeve notes and a bit of a Yes fan. Sid has recently written the words inside the new Steven Wilson re-mixes of Close to the Edge.

  • Which prog rocker interview was Sid’s favourite?
  • What does Sid think of the news that King Crimson are to active again in 2014?
  • How did he approach the writing of sleeve notes for Close to the Edge?
  • What is Sid going to do with all the left-over material from his extensive band member interviews?

Listen out for the answers to these questions and many more in this brilliant interview!

Episodes YMP Classic Feed

Episode 69 – ‘Classic Yes’

Cassette purchased circa. 1984, CD purchased circa. 2005. (Click to enlarge.)
Cassette purchased circa. 1984, CD purchased circa. 2005. (Click to enlarge.)

The sixty-ninth episode of the Yes Music Podcast featuring the 1981 compilation album, ‘Classic Yes’.

Listen and see if you agree with me, then let me know by contacting me via any of the different routes on the right hand side or by leaving a comment below!

  • Is it possible to have a single album with a representative selection of Classic Yes tracks?
  • Are the right tracks here in the right order?
  • What’s missing?