
Rewind 10 years! (Be kind!) – 529

It’s a Bank Holiday and then Easter here in the UK so there’s been no time for a new episode this week. However, we are in the fortunate position to be able to look back 10 years and play a repeat from April 2012… This was really early in the development of the YMP so things were a bit different.

The topic is just as relevant and interesting today, though, so let me know what you think of this blast from the past!

3 replies on “Rewind 10 years! (Be kind!) – 529”

Hi Kevin. It was very interesting hearing this early YMP re-run, and it would be fun to replay more of the early ones from time to time. My comment would be that it’s very “B.B.C.” sounding. Definitely you were onto something. Cheers mate.

This was when YMP was as its peak. The “tracks through time”, the “A to Z”, the “original” logo. I realise, however, that it was in decline and that probably without Mark joining YMP would have been confined to history. There’s no doubt MAK is very talented but all that arena podcasting just isn’t for me, I’m afraid.

Sorry, but nowadays, there are just too many excellent interviews with so called associates of the band and so called band members as well as insightful discussions.

Then there was the con. I saved up and queued for days to buy tickets for the promised visit to Yes Tor for the 500th episode. They broke their promise and instead gave us a “10 year celebration” with interviews including Tony Kaye and Geoff Downes. In my book “No Wakeman interview” means “No YMP interview”

I’m afraid YesMusicPodcast is a shadow of its former self and is little more than a heritage act/tribute podcast.

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